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The Society of American Florists in Alexandria, Va., and researchers at Ohio State University assure us that poinsettias are not poisonous. We're not suggesting using the bracts as salad greens - just letting you know that you don't have to panic if a child or pet accidentally nibbles at one while you're busy with the Christmas pudding. If you'd like more information on this write to the society at 1601 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314.

While holiday plants may brighten your rooms, they often provide a tempting snack for your cat. Poinsettas are actually over-rated in their toxicity. In ingested, poinsettias can be irritating to your cat's mouth and stomach, and may cause vomiting or nausea, but they generally are not fatal.

Mistletoe has the potential to cause cardiovascular problems, however, ingestion usually only causes gastrointestinal upset. Holly ingestion can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and lethargy.

Lilies are especially deadly. Many types of lilies, such as Tiger, Asian, Japanese Snow, Easter, Stargazer and Casa Blanca, can cause kidney failure in cats. Other potential harmful yuletide plants include English ivy, amaryllis bulbs (a common holiday gift) and box and yew trees. To discourage nibbling, spray potentially harmful plants (or if your cat insists on eating anything green, spray all plants) with a hot-pepper-and-water mixture. If your cat has ingested any of these plants, take him to your veterinarian immediately.

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